5 Easy to Follow Tips to Increase Your Conversion Rates

John Ozuysal
4 min readFeb 18, 2021

Are you trying to get better conversion rates with your landing pages, but you are stuck on what to do?

You did some search on “ how to increase your conversion rates,” but the tips you found are not easy to implement? and you are looking for cookie-cutter tips?

IF yes, I am here to share 5 quick tips that you can instantly apply to landing page optimization strategy

1) Do not ask for name and gender on your landing page

If your landing page includes a sing up form, you need to exclude questions around gender and age. You might be asking why? Here is why:

According to a study done by Omnisend, the landing pages that include surveys with questions based around personal information such as: Gender, age, and date of birth has lower conversion rates (%5-%6) compared to landing pages with sign up forms that are only asking email and phone number. The latter group had a better conversion rate, around %10

To do: If your landing page contains a form, strip out all the questions related to personal information.

2) Have at least 10 different landing pages

Do not put all your eggs into a single basket, and do not put all your efforts into a single landing page, as the saying goes.

There is no saying like this, I just made it up:)

It is tough to create a landing page that you can target to each segment of your visitors. The landing page you create for a problem and solution aware visitor is not going to make sense for a problem and solution unaware visitor.

Having multiple landing pages allows you to create different messaging to the various customers in a different stage of awareness. If you don’t take my word for it, here is what HubSpot says:

“Having 10–15 landing pages increases the number of leads by %55”

To-do: Get rid of hitting multiple words with one stone mindset. Before you start writing anything on your landing page, always have ONE segment of your target audience in your mind and deliver a message only specific to your chosen segment group.

3) Avoid Redundancy

Keep it short and simple. There is a lot of noise out there, and our attention span is just getting shorter and shorter...

A long copy is good as long as you can keep the reader on his toes, but to be honest, it is really hard to write a long copy that is not boring. Unless you have Pixar level storytelling skills, try having less than 100 words on your landing page

According to Unbounce, if you want your landing page to pack a punch, you need to have less than 100 words.

To-do: Keep your copy short to the point,

4) Focus on ONE Offer

I love the rule one, try to excel at one thing, and you will good, but if you try to chase several rabbits at the same time, you will get none.

Anyways let me tie how the rule of one works for creating a powerful landing page.

I know that your product is offering several benefits, right? It helps your end-users to save time, make more money, be faster. etc. But if you put more than one offer or more than one benefit to your landing page, you will be diluting the strength of your offer or promise.

To-do: Focus on one offer and promise. If you feel that your product has multiple offers, then create a different landing page for each offer

5) Social Proof

Do you ever feel like some offers feel too good to be true? I feel that sometimes especially if the offer is coming from an unknown company.

If you are not a well-known brand and your offer sounds too good to be true, then your visitor will hesitate to buy from you. To overcome the trust issue and to avoid making hollow claims, you need to show some social proof.

As humans, we like to observe, and before we decide to make a purchase, we like to see the experiences of other people with the product/service. Do not underestimate the power of social proof. One testimonial worth more than 1000 words.

According to Unbounce, landing pages that display social proof has 1.1% higher conversion rates than those that don’t.

To-do: Make sure to have testimonials or customer reviews on your landing page, ideally with the pictures of your customers. Don’t use stock images to fool your visitors.



John Ozuysal

aaS Growth Marketing Guy 🚀 | Startups⚡☕ | Head of Growth at UserGuiding | Podcasting 🎙